Rita Darrow was elected to serve District 1 on Summit County Council in 2020. She previously served as a Council Member and President of the Macedonia City Council. During her term as Council President, Council passed over 300 legislative items with more than 90% of them pass ed un nimous y. D uringher ti eon c itycounc l, R itaaccrued a deep bac gro ndin infrastr cture a de onomicdeve opment par s and recrea ion union neg tiationsa dState a ndFedera grant f ndin .
A S ummitCo ntyresi ent for more t antwo dec des Rita cu re tly lives in Mac don anear h er two a ultc ildren. R itais a nactive member o fO rLady o fGuadal peC thol cChurch a ndthe Federate Women o Su mitCounty , serving as Th rd Vice Pr esid nt.